Monday, April 14, 2008

New Plan

So.. I woke up on Sat morning and decided that I'd like to work and live in another country. Sky and I have both been considering this for the last few years. Given that our last few trips have no exactly been short I think it's safe to say that we've been preparing ourselves for something like this for awhile.
Now, where are we going?
I've tentatively picked the date of 2010. Now this is based on the fact that we did just get home and that we have no idea where we want to go or what we want to do.
I've just had a quick look at this page and a good read threw and once we decide where we want to go we should have lots of time for the red tape and eliminating the majority of our belongings, visas etc.
I'd like to work in an office, bookkeeping would be nice, and I think Sky would be fine with pretty much anything. He'd be happy with a construction or labour job.
Soooo.. if anyone has any suggestions.. or if you know a country or a town that is nice and would recommend living there that'd be great.
Right now I'm thinking strictly english speaking nations. England or Australia... but any suggestions are good ones. Once we pick our destination we can start looking for a neighborhood and a job.
So thats that.
Hope to hear from you soon


Jesse and Yavon said...

I would go with Australia or South Africa.

Anonymous said...

I know a great English speaking country. It is called the USA, and it is huge and diverse so you can pretty much pick any type of environment you are looking for. Desert, prairie, swamp, forest, alpine, small town\big town, etc. It might be a good education for any Canadian who thinks that the Press and Bush represent us.(not saying that you do, but sadly most Canadians feel that TV is a good source of facts) Yavon is suggesting some good things too, but there are many problems in South Africa, and Australia is a penal colony. Either way, I guess you plan on finishing up your school first?

South Island Deckers said...
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sabina said...

Why don't you think about italy? Good food, nice people, ( i'm not talking about Berlusconi of course...)!!!

Joaquin said...

I don't think anyone is more qualified than yourselves for deciding when, where and how.. You both have lived abroad long term'ish, and I am sure that you have thought about this longer and harder than you allude to in your opening sentence...

Just a couple of comments. Get some degrees by then if you can. They hold a lot more water in the rest of the world than in NA. In the land of milk and honey and in the land of maple syrup and canadian bacon, jobs are plentiful and protected by trade unions and labor laws. Not totally true in other countries. England and Australia have large populations of South Asian (Indian, Pakistani) and other well trained Ex-Soviet Bloc people in the construction trades. You might find the competition willing to do a lot more, for a lot less. At any rate, make sure that all your licensing and documents are triplicated and notarized. And though I am sure you have researched this already, you could teach Koreans or Chinese Engrish, likely with no certification, or at most, with a small certification, depending on the destination. English teachers can live a good life in growing affluent countries. Korea and China are hot now. OTOH, I would love to live in London for a while myself. Watch out for a lot of new immigration and working restrictions in countries nowadays. Times have changed, and not for the better.