Friday, August 24, 2007

From the Kibbutz!

Hello everyone. We are sorry if anyone got a bit worried about no contact for the last little while. The Kibbutz is wonderful but internet access can be a bit troublesome to get to. We are working every day but saturday, from either 6 am or 7am till about 3. Its been really great fun so far, we get to have a fire every night if we want to. Lots of great food, we have a volunteers pub if we want to have a drink or two. Everyone here drinks vodka like a fish. Havent quite gotten drunk yet but i'm sure it will happen soon. People here have been great, the work is fun.
We have been doing all kinds of different jobs, from washing giant pots, to loading containers with giant pipes, to cutting vegetables. We each get a night of the week to cook for everyone. Rinahs first night was a bit hectic, but we made it work. Lots of spaghetti ect. We have a TV and DVD player which is pretty nice too... Lots of movies to watch. The kibbutz has about 450 people on it. Most of which we will probably never get to know. So many volunteers over the years makes the locals not really care to meet you.
Fridays are cake days! All kinds of cakes, cookies, goodies. Lots of really fun things going on. Ages so far range from 19 to 31 at our spot we stay. There are 15 volunteers on this kibbutz so it is very tight nit. Other kibbutz we had a choice to join had up to 50 which wouldnt be so personnal. There are a couple Irish guys, couple Germans, Argentina, Italians, English, Dutch, Columbians, Swedish, all kinds.
We will be able to get to the internet at least once a week or so hopefully, so we will keep in touch. We will put a phone number up next time we get a chance, so if anyone actually wants to talk to us you can phone the number at any time and someone will come to get us. Time zone is still the same, we are 10 hours ahead of everyone in the pacific time zone, 7 for eastern. The kibbutz is called Yiftach. We are in the north, lots of trees and green! We are so sick of the desert that this is quite heavenly. We get 3 days off per month to have a long weekend, so we are planning a trip down to Jerusalem soon with some friends.
We went on our first kibbutz trip down the Jordon river. We used 2 person kayaks, 2 hours or so down the river. It was amazing. We will try to get pictures of our miniature volunteer town soon.
Hope everyone is well back home, we love you lots and will hopefully talk to you soon when we put that phone number up! We cant make out going calls so incoming is all we can do.


Joaquin said...

river ride sounded great. love the irish.

Cail said...

phone number sounds great... I've never called anyone overseas before...does that make me sound lame...who cares! I'm excited to call!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rinah and Skylar its Grann, I have seen all the beautiful places you have been to. It is totaly amaizing.....I have read all of your journal too!! Take care of safe and I will continue to follow your journey..Love Grann oxoxoxooxo

Emkay said...

The Kibbutz sounds great....don't work too hard and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Looking forward to pictures of Israel....loved your previous pictures a lot. I will speak with Grandma later and give her your news. Be well.

Anonymous said...

hey! Just got back from your neck of the woods, sorry to have missed you. visited with your cat though...

Jesse (I forget our blog password or Yavon changes it so I post this way sometimes)

Jesse and Yavon said...

PS.. I never change the password he is getting senile.. lolol

Anonymous said...

Enough already --I miss you guys --
you can come home now -- stop kibutzing.